I could never have imagined my life would lead me here. And yet, I did know I wanted to see the world, try living on different a spot on the planet, and get to know people of all backgrounds. How lucky I am to say all that has happened for me.
Where’s here? We have been in Switzerland since 2008, when my husband took a job and we all moved from St. Paul, MN to Basel. I had lived abroad (Latin America) before, and wanted to again. This time we landed in Basel and turns out, came to stay! With a degree and background in business, I didn‘t see yoga in my future. But here I am, a yoga teacher in Switzerland (and since Covid 19, teaching online to people all over the world). The road getting here wasn‘t straight, but it has been a lovely journey. For a while I taught classes to help expats settle into life abroad (The Expat Experience) and that lead to our book. Writing that was a wild ride, and such an enriching experience. If you are at all curious, have a read! https://ryllayoga.com/book/
After living in Basel for a while, and having practiced yoga for more than 15 years, I decided to get certified to teach. In 2014 I completed my 300 hour yoga training with (https://www.rainbowyogatraining.com/) and have been teaching ever since. In 2019 I completed both levels of Therpeutic Yoga training (https://www.therapeuticyogatraining.com/) with Cheri Clampett and Arturo Peal. I am now lucky to have many private clients and love to work with people helping them get to know and connect with their bodies in new ways. シ
Yoga combined with working in Personal Develpment in a previous life lead me to study and teach mindfulness as well. In 2017 I completed the MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduciton) Course offered through the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. I continue my study and am especially drawn to the work of Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie. .
And so, I find myself happily living each day with some yoga, some study, and oh yes, some writing. I lead book groups and mindfulness sessions and craft my life to live joyously each day. It’s a practice and I’m not always there, but certainly more than I used to be. Oh and I love to crochet! I’ve recently started crocheting yoga blankets and kinda can’t believe I get paid to do something else I love.
I am so blessed, so fortunate. I believe we all have a ripple effect on all around us (thus the photo on my main page here). Teaching yoga and mindfulness gives me the excuse to keep learning and working on myself, to improve the ripple I send out. And that, I’m quite sure, is why I am on the planet. For now, anyway! 🙏🏼